Casey Lorz Casey Lorz

Purpose of Tarot Readings

The purpose of tarot readings can vary depending on the individual seeking the reading. Some common purposes of tarot readings include:

  1. Gaining insight: Tarot readings can provide insight and understanding into a situation or issue, helping individuals to gain clarity and perspective.

  2. Guidance: Tarot readings can offer guidance and direction, helping individuals to make decisions or navigate difficult situations.

  3. Self-discovery: Tarot readings can facilitate self-discovery and personal growth, helping individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their inner workings.

  4. Spiritual connection: Tarot readings can be a tool for spiritual connection and exploration, helping individuals to connect with their higher self or the divine.

  5. Healing: Tarot readings can be a tool for healing, helping individuals to process and release emotions or past traumas.

Ultimately, the purpose of a tarot reading is to provide insight and guidance that can help individuals to navigate their lives with greater clarity, understanding, and purpose.

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Casey Lorz Casey Lorz

Why Soulmates Come Back Together

The concept of soulmates can mean different things to different people, but generally, it refers to a deep and profound connection between two individuals that transcends time and space. When it comes to the question of why soulmates come back together, there could be a few possible explanations depending on the situation. Here are some possibilities:

  1. Unfinished business: Sometimes, soulmates may come back together because they feel like there's something unresolved between them. They may have parted ways due to circumstances beyond their control, but the connection between them remained strong. In such cases, they may feel drawn to each other again to try to work things out and find closure.

  2. Growth and transformation: Soulmates may also come back together because they have both undergone significant growth and transformation since they last parted ways. This growth may have helped them overcome the issues that caused them to separate in the first place, making it possible for them to reconnect on a deeper level.

  3. Cosmic forces: Some people believe that soulmates are destined to be together, and that the universe will conspire to bring them back together no matter what. According to this perspective, soulmates may come back together because it's simply meant to be, and there's no escaping their fate.

  4. Love and connection: Ultimately, soulmates come back together because of the strong love and connection they share. Whether it's due to unfinished business, growth and transformation, or cosmic forces, the bond between soulmates is powerful enough to overcome obstacles and bring them back together.

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Casey Lorz Casey Lorz

How has releasing helped my life?

Releasing has become a daily part of my routine like brushing my teeth. Why? Because I am very aware of my thoughts now. And if they are not directed towards what I want, I consciously release them. For example, I recently made a decision to end a relationship. The man I dated is a good man, and I feel he will find the perfect partner. I intuitively felt it is not me. Though I am clear about my decision, I noticed the old thoughts of “I am not going to find anyone better, the Universe gave me an opportunity and I turned it down.” “I am getting too old, my time is limited.” Etc. So I reminded myself that these are just thoughts that my mind is suggesting and in the past, I bought them and believed them and kept them close to me for years! Now I am consciously releasing them and life has become very magical and surprising! Yes there are challenges everyday but when I have cleared the mind clutter, fresh new thoughts arise and I make better decisions and I am not bound like a slave to a limiting thought and belief!

Another example is how I have released my limiting beliefs on abundance (and continue to do so!). When you carve our a time to consciously release the thoughts that are in the way, it can literally be instant how the abundance pipe starts to flow like an unclogged sink faucet! Our divine birthright is that we are the abundance, love, health that we have been seeking for incarnations on this planet! When you have a glimpse of the fullness that you really are, you start to want more of that instead of looking on the outside for it and, what you will experience is that what you wanted from the outside world, will drop right into your lap effortlessly when you are fully released! If you are drawn to what I am saying, check out Lester Levinson’s YouTube audios. He is who I get my inspiration to release from!

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Casey Lorz Casey Lorz

What is releasing?

I give several techniques to my clients that help bring their subconscious thoughts and feelings to the conscious mind to be released! For example, if you want to attract your perfect partner, the exercise is to write down the simple sentence that says “I allow myselff to have the perfect partner easily!” How does that make you feel? Easily? Sure! The mind gets triggered by the word “easily”, why? Because we have allowed ourselves to believe the “no’s” our mind is suggesting to us of why it’s not possible to have the perfect partner! We will even back up our “no’s” with evidence from past experiences and what the world has conditioned us to believe. And guess what? We don’t manifest our dream partner because we have accepted our limiting thoughts and beliefs! This applies to everything else we want in life such as the perfect career, financial freedom, perfect health, etc! When we release the subconscious tendencies, we create a totally different life! Current relationships change, finances, career, all shift because we become fully conscious of how our thoughts and feelings are creating our experiences, and life becomes miraculous and delightful!

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Casey Lorz Casey Lorz

Love Message Today

The card that I pulled today is the Three of Cups. This is a very positive card when it comes to matters of the heart, and suggests that you are in a harmonious and joyful state in your romantic life!

If you are in a relationship, this card can show that you and your partner are experiencing a period of great happiness and emotional fulfillment. You may be celebrating a milestone or achievement together, or simply reveling in each other's company.

If you are single, this card can suggest that you are surrounded by loving and supportive friends and family members who are eager to see you find happiness in love. Consider taking some time to socialize and connect with others, as you may find that someone special is waiting for you!

Overall, the Three of Cups is a very positive and optimistic card that suggests that love and joy are abundant in your life at this time! Enjoy the good vibes and let your heart be filled with gratitude for all of the love that surrounds you!

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Casey Lorz Casey Lorz

What is the Tarot?

The Tarot is a deck of cards used for divination and spiritual guidance. It is believed to have originated in Europe during the 15th century, and its symbolism draws upon various spiritual and philosophical traditions, including astrology, Kabbalah, and Hermeticism.

A traditional Tarot deck consists of 78 cards, which are divided into two groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each representing a major archetype or concept, such as The Fool, The Magician, and The World. The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards, which are further divided into four suits (similar to playing cards): Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit represents a different aspect of life, such as creativity, emotions, intellect, and material concerns.

Tarot readings are typically conducted by a reader who shuffles the deck and lays out a spread of cards in a particular pattern. The reader then interprets the cards based on their position in the spread and their symbolism, providing guidance, insight, and perspective on the querent's question or situation. Tarot readings can be a helpful tool for self-reflection, gaining clarity on a particular issue, and exploring one's spiritual journey.

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Casey Lorz Casey Lorz

Love Readings

Tarot love readings involve using a tarot deck to gain insight into matters of the heart. Although I do many readings for topics such as career, finances and health, I do many love readings that can reveal information about your current relationship or provide guidance for a future relationship. Each card in the tarot deck has a unique meaning and can provide insight into different aspects of your love life which we explore.

It's important to note that tarot readings should be approached with an open mind and viewed as a tool for self-reflection and guidance rather than a definitive answer to your love life. The interpretation of the cards is also highly dependent on the skill and intuition of the tarot reader.

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